Gangadhar Churna
- Regular price Rs. 90.00
Vendor: Sadhana Ayurvedics
Type: Churna (Powder)
Sku: null
Gangadhar Churna is a traditional Ayurvedic powder known for its effectiveness in supporting digestive health. It is a natural remedy made for carefully selected specific herb for treating dysentery, diarrhea, sprue, and chronic diarrhea. this churn is especially helpful in managing loose motions and maintaining a healthy digestive system.
1. Healthy Digestive system :
Helps in soothing the stomach and managing digestive issues like diarrhea.
2. Balances Pitta Dosha:
Promotes overall balance in the body by calming excess Pitta dosha.
3. Reduces Inflammation :
Contains herbs that help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract.
4. Natural Detoxification :
Aids in the gentle detoxification of the body, supporting liver and kidney health.
5. Promotes Gut Health:
Helps maintain a healthy gut flora, promoting better digestion and absorption of nutrients.